Get Your Revenue Guide to Winter Promotions & Interactive Content. In this valuable handbook, you’ll find inspiration, case studies, and tips for crafting the perfect winter calendar and maximizing your revenue over these three months.
Utilize Multiple Promotion Types Per Month
You can plan a robust calendar of promotions for each month. We provide ideas using multiple promotion types to help you plan and promote a wide selection of engaging content for your users and a plethora of advertising and lead generating opportunities for your advertisers.
Create a Plan
We provide 3 different sample plan options to help you attain your goals, whether that be $30K, $60K, or $90K within the winter months.
Target the Right Advertisers
Finding the right advertisers matters and can help you create lasting advertiser partnerships. In this webinar, we provide 3 advertiser highlights for each month (along with many other ideas) to help guide you towards the right advertisers to target.
Don’t Forget National Sweepstakes
National Sweepstakes are an easy addition to your winter plan – we provide a high dollar national prize and there is even the opportunity to add local prizes to entice both users and advertisers! You can choose bundle all of the national sweepstakes as an annual bundle with one sponsor, or different sponsors can take advantage of each individual national sweepstakes.