Download the Playbook
Discover case studies and best practices for setting up a great ballot. Whether you’re interested in citywide, year-round, or advertiser ballots (or a combination of all three), you’ll find the answers you’re looking for in our Ballot Playbook.
Understand the HUGE Opportunity
Media companies are using ballots to drive massive annual revenue numbers. WDIV-TV in Detroit has created an annual ballot strategy generating $1MM (yes, million!) and the Chattanooga Times Free Press shows how their one Best of the Best promotion has turned into a $630,000 success for their paper.
Set Yourself Up for Success
First, start with a citywide ballot. These single promotions can drive significant revenue. Next, look at all the other initiatives on your calendar (high school sports, weddings, etc.) and create year-round ballots around that content. Plus, if you want to drive even more revenue, consider adding in advertiser ballots as well.
Develop a Plan to Achieve Your Goals
Whether you’re new to ballots or have been running these types of promotions for years, you can design a ballot strategy to meet your goals. When you create your plan, make it manageable while still also making it ambitious.