Align With Your Current Initiatives
You are probably involved in several events and publish several special sections throughout the year. Look at your calendar and see where you have the opportunity to integrate an online promotion. A few initiatives you might have are a bridal expo, golf special issue, and fall sports prep.
Discover New Opportunities
While you may be taking advantage of football at the beginning of the season, consider adding an end of the season ballot to entice additional engagement. Promotions can even serve as fantastic editorial content. Reverse publishing of the results of a photo contest could become a brand new special issue – resulting in another opportunity to sell to advertisers as well as an increase in your single copy sales.
Leverage Unique Assets
When kicking off a new promotion like a football pick’em contest, run full-page ads and a double truck to really engage the reader. Print media has one of the largest digital audiences, so leverage your email database, social media platforms, and digital ad space as well. When possible, utilize your most popular writers in your promotions (like sports columnists) as VIP pickers in your football promotion.
Grab Your Share
Print media is perfectly positioned for growth. Be sure to leverage your advantage and optimize your opportunity with online promotions.
Trivia Quiz Raises Awareness for Mexican Restaurant Grand Re-Opening
Created as a way to promote their grand re-opening, this trivia quiz earned a 70% opt-in rate and gained incredibly valuable insight through survey questions. Learn more →
Plan Your Next Steps
It’s time to grab your share of the revenue within online promotions. So where do you start?
- Set Goals: Sit down and determine what your most important goals (email database growth, sponsored promotions revenue growth, and advertiser promotions revenue growth) are for your print media company and then write measurable goals.
- Create a Team: Promotions are not a single department job. Put together a cross-departmental team, that includes sales, marketing, and IT, to begin your planning process.
- Build a Calendar: Now that you have your team, build your promotions calendar around your already scheduled initiatives. Download the free Calendar Template to get started.