“I’m not sure a college basketball campaign will resonate with my customer base.”
- The fan base for college basketball is huge and diverse – in the United States, there are 14.3 MILLION working people who consider themselves to be avid basketball fans.
- Attendance for the 2014 college basketball tournament broke a record and had its highest attendance in two decades.
- This is a highly engaged audience: The NCAA estimates that nearly 28 million people will attend a college sports event this year and 181 million viewers tune in throughout the tournament across television, online and out-of-home platforms.
- This type of promotion has worked all across the country for a variety of media types in markets large and small. The power of college basketball promotions has been well proven.
- Look at how many other businesses like yours in your market (and similar markets) are finding success online with similar promotions.
- Ad spending for the college basketball tournament topped a billion dollars last year – that’s bigger than the Super Bowl!
“I’m not sure if I can fit this bracket, quiz, or contest into my budget for the year.”
- This campaign could come out of your marketing budget rather than your advertising budget since it builds your email database with opt-ins from the registration page and drives foot traffic if you include a coupon or feature a deal.
- You can’t afford NOT to do this engagement campaign! We are putting so many of our resources behind it that you will receive far more promotional value than you are paying for.
“How will I know if this is successful for my business?”
- What are your goals? We need to start by figuring out what it is you hope to achieve before we can determine how to measure the success of the campaign.
- After it ends, we can review growth in your email database and Facebook Likes, as well as interaction with ads and with any specials or coupons we promote.
- Email addresses, Facebook Likes, and foot traffic from coupons all have value!