Designate a Champion
Choose someone who will be the project manager of your Best Of. They will work with other departments, create a timeline, and ensure you’re tracking against your goals.
Audit Your Ballot
Look at your categories and consider areas to add and cut. What’s driving the most engagement? Which categories are driving in the most revenue for your company? Which categories show a lot of potential revenue opportunities?
Re-evaluate Your Sales Packages
Be sure you’re running your Best Of as a three-phase ballot. Create revenue goals for each phase and hold your sales reps accountable.
Prospect & Pitch Efficiently
When you prospect, target the top business categories that show up in multiple categories, are competitive, and historically purchase packages. Get your sales team excited for your Best of and give them all the tools they need.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Create a lead-gen landing page to help you gather leads as people participate in your Best Of. Create Social Media Kits participants can use and put this free resource behind a form.
Skim the Webinar Slides