ABC10 Ellen’s 15 Days of Giveaways – KXTV-TV
*2017 Second Street Award – Best Sweepstakes Winner
Wanting to leverage the popularity of their network’s hit show Ellen, KXTV-TV ran a sweepstakes giving away two tickets to the show. They knew the sweepstakes had the potential to bring in a lot of entries, so they pitched a sponsorship to Amazing Lash Studio – a national makeup company. Not only did the contest bring in over 86,000 entries, but their sponsor was able to add 44,000 users to their email database.
Town of Avon 22 Year Celebration – Vail Daily
The Avon Recreation Center was looking for a way to drive more people to their fitness club. Vail Daily helped customize a sweepstakes with a ton of survey questions to help gather valuable data for the fitness center including the preferred price point for joining and when would be best to offer an adult sports league. More than 650 entered the contest and the paper was able to secure $1,500 in revenue.
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission – Arkansas Online
Sponsored by the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, this sweepstakes offered a lifetime hunting and fishing license, a valuable prize to collect qualified leads. More than 1,900 opted-in for the sponsor, and they were able to sell over 2,000 licenses from the promotion – that’s $87,400 for the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission!
Chicago’s Merry Own 2017 – WGN-TV
This advertiser showcase sweepstakes was perfect for the holidays. With five sponsors, the station featured a different advertiser each day and highlighted them daily during on-air segments. The contest brought in more than 30,000 entrants and the sponsors added over 6,000 email addresses to their database.
Free Movies for a Year – KNDE-FM
Located in a college town, KNDE wanted a way to drive revenue and engagement over the summer months. The developed the idea for the prize based on items their station already had on hand – tickets to the local movie theater. The station pitched the sponsorship to a local apartment complex with the promise of adding on survey questions for their business. More than 1,300 participated, and the station made $8,300 in revenue. Read more here.
Innovate Home Sweepstakes – Columbus Dispatch
Working with a local closet organization company, the Columbus Dispatch helped them develop a sweepstakes to drive qualified leads. For a sponsorship investment of $15,000, the paper put together a contest complete with survey questions asking which room users would move like to renovate and if they’d be interested in a consultation. 72 people requested a consultation. Based on their average sale cost, this means $270,000 in potential revenue for the advertiser.
Outlets of Des Moines Gift Card + Preview Tour Sweepstakes – Des Moines Radio Group
A new local outlet mall was opening and looking for a way to grow their database and increase brand awareness before the grand opening. This sweepstakes gave away a $1,000 in gift cards to the stores at the new mall and also offered a preview tour of the new location. The store added nearly 1,000 emails to their database, and the contest helped secure a future $20,000 buy with the station.
Fix My Yard – Opelika-Auburn News
A backyard makeover contest is perfect for spring. With multiple sponsors at different sponsorship levels, the paper was able to secure $3,500 in revenue and provide a valuable grand prize to one lucky winner. 800 people entered to win the yard care package.
Something Big is Coming to VPS – Northwest Florida Daily News
While the paper had worked with the local airport on contests before, they wanted to do something even bigger to announce the airline adding new destinations. The contest gave away two round-trip travel vouchers to a grand prize winner. This one contest brought in over 8,000 entries and added over 4,000 new addresses to the airport’s mailing list.
Merry KISSMas Showcase – CJMX-FM
This days of Christmas style showcase was a great fit for CJMX. The radio station was able to sell the contest to eight sponsors, each being featured on their own day and getting their own survey questions. The contest brought in nearly 4,000 entries and drove $16,000 in revenue for the station.
Go! 12 Days of Giveaways 2017 – St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Sponsored by Taste of St. Louis, a local culinary event highlighting local restaurants, this sweepstakes gave away dinner for eight to a popular local eatery. The contest brought in over 7,400 entries and added over 3,800 email addresses to the event’s database.