Key Takeaways
Big Advertisers & Current Initiatives
Start by looking at big advertisers who are prepared with budgets that can cover larger sponsorship investments. See which initiatives you currently have on your calendar and where you can expand those into a bigger campaign.
Recurring Revenue
Now more than ever, it’s important to have consistent income all year long. This is one of the most efficient ways to sell. You sell the campaign one time, and you have checks coming in every month – freeing your sales team up to sell other sponsorships.
Lead-Gen Campaigns
Your advertisers need leads. Creating a campaign optimized to deliver quality leads will establish your credibility with an advertiser. When they’re confident in your abilities, they’ll be eager to continue to work with you on future campaigns.
Second Street National Sweepstakes
Second Street is providing six national sweepstakes – FREE – for all of our customers. These campaigns have big prizes, attract a large audience, and are ideal for selling to advertisers looking for a lot of branding, database growth, and lead-gen!
Citywide Best Of Ballots
These campaigns are HUGE revenue and audience builders. And yes, they’re successful even during a pandemic! The average revenue growth we see is 30% YOY, and if you’ve never done one of these before, we want to help you get started!