How to Prospect and Pitch Lead-Gen Promotions

by Julie Foley Second Street

Key Takeaways

Look for the Advertisers who Value Results

Even now in a pandemic, advertisers still need leads. In fact, they need them now more than ever. Our partners are seeing the most success from the following categories – home services, legal, real estate, insurance, wealth management/financial, healthcare/urgent care, automotive aftermarket, grocery, mortgage, and banks/credit unions.

Prospect for Success

To set yourself up for success, you need to prospect smart. For staters, demonstrate empathy, show you’ve done your homework, keep it crisp and short, focus on the benefits, and stress the results you’ll deliver. Be sure to practice and be prepared to show confidence so you can become their trusted partner, instead of just their salesperson.

Align Your Pitch to Their Needs

Based on your CNA, you should know the needs of client. Show how the campaign you’ve put together aligns with their needs and how you plan on measuring success. If you have alignment, you’ll bring them a solution that drives results and can clearly deliver ROI – and then you’ll close the sale.

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