FCC Revised Contest Rules Now in Effect

by Megan Black Second Street

Create a dedicated landing page

On your website, build a dedicated landing page for housing contest rules before and for at least 30 days after the promotion ends. Make sure to use a clearly labeled link or tab, so users can easily find your content. 98PXY has their Contest Rules clearly posted on the bottom of their home page.


Broadcast web address on-air periodically

While the contest rules don’t need to be read on-air, you are still required to periodically broadcast the web address of where to find them.

Announce changes within 24 hours.

Any updates or changes to the rules must be announced on-air within 24 hours of the change and regularly thereafter.

But, the most important step we recommend to our partners is:

Don’t archive your promotions!

After the deadline of your sweepstakes or quiz has ended, don’t archive the promotion right away. Leave it up on your site, so the contest rules are still accessible to users. The FCC states contest rules must be posted for 30 days after the promotion ends – make sure you’re adhering to their regulations.

  • Sweepstakes
    After a deadline has passed on a sweepstakes, the entry form will no longer be active. However, they can still access the contest rules if needed.

  • Submission Contest
    No matter what type of submission contest you ran – photo, video, or essay – you have the option of leaving the promotion active. While it’s clear to see the dates of the contest are past, the rules are still easily accessible. (Plus, users can still go view the submissions!)

  • Quizzes
    Many of our affiliates tie a sweepstakes into their quizzes – an excellent way to encourage participation and drive engagement. In this circumstance, you’ll want to ensure that the rules are easily accessible both during and after your quiz runs. This means it’s important for you to keep your quiz active for at least 30 days after the sweepstakes portion has ended.


The new FCC rules are making it even easier for you to run engagement campaigns for your audience. Make sure you’re ready to take advantage of these opportunities and prepared to handle them in the appropriate ways.

** Remember, we’re not lawyers. Check with your legal team to be sure you’re following all of the FCC guidelines per their recommendation.