Verified Pages.
The new policies only apply for accounts that have been verified. Not sure if you have a Verified Account? Check to see if you have a blue checkmark under your Facebook Profile.
Cover Photo & Profile Picture.
You cannot include third-party brands, sponsors, or products in your cover photo or profile picture.
Page Posts.
If you want to tag or mention your sponsor in a post, you need to use the Branded Content tool (it looks like a handshake icon). Posts correctly tagged will show the sponsor’s name up next to your media company’s name. Just remember, you still need to clearly state that your post is an ad or sponsored to cover your bases with the FCC.
Video Guidelines.
Do not include banner ads or pre, mid, or post-roll ads. Do not include a logo, watermark, or overlay within the first three seconds of a video. Do not display logos, titles, or business names for longer than five consecutive seconds.
Looking for even more information about using Branded Content? You can read even more in the Facebook Advertiser Help Center. Just remember, we’re not lawyers. Always consult your legal team if you’re unsure on how to proceed.