How Engagement Campaigns Fit in with Solutions-Based Selling

by Julie Foley Second Street

Online Promotions as a Solution

Promotions are interactive. Promotions are engaging. Promotions are social and shareable.

Deals and contests can be an effective solution to almost every advertiser pain point. Unlike a banner ad or a 30-second spot, promotions have staying power. Most last for at least a week. This leaves plenty of time for your audience to organically spread the word on social media and share the promotion with their friends and family members. The interactive element enables users to engage with a local brand in a more direct way, and encourages two-way communication.

The interactive, ongoing, and socially shareable nature of online promotions provides an opportunity to wrap in other solutions your company may have to offer as well, whether that be print, online, mobile, social media, email, video, or on air. If you have a digital agency, you can even use contests to further your product offerings.

The bottom line? Promotions give you something exciting and mutually beneficial to offer your advertisers. But don’t just take it from us. Here’s what some of our partners have to say about selling solutions:

Want to learn how to integrate promotions into your solutions-based selling? Read this article to get all the details.