28 Simple Ways to Grow Your Blog’s Email List

by Megan Black Second Street

Optimize Your Blog’s Website for Sign-Ups

1. Place a sign-up widget on every article and page of content connected to your newsletter

2. Have a sign-up page in your website navigation bar

3. Include a link to your sign-up page in your website footer

4. Create a pop-up that triggers as people start to leave your site

5. Include a simple email-to-a-friend form on your website

Place sign up on blog site

Leverage the Power of Promotions

6. Run a simple sweepstakes with an email opt-in for a prize related to your blog’s content (reach out to brands, businesses, and trade groups for incentives)

7. Create a quiz with an opt-in for your newsletter

8. Leverage a survey to collect opt-ins and find out what your readers care about

9. Partner with other bloggers or organizations on giveaways that can be cross-promoted to both your email list and theirs.

10. Run a simple sweepstakes with an email opt-in for a general interest prize everyone would love (merchandise, tickets, gift cards, etc).

Employ Your Current Subscribers & Event Attendees

11. Include a subscribe link within your newsletter for additional emails

12. Encourage email recipients to forward to a friend

13. Include a sign-up link within your personal email signature

14. Bring a tablet or clipboard to collect sign-ups when you go to events

Turn Social Followers Into Subscribers

15. Embed your sign-up form in the Facebook app

16. Plant a link within your Instagram and Twitter bios

17. Spend the money on an Instagram ad for your newsletter

18. Post about your newsletter on Social Media

19. Create a pinned post on Facebook and Twitter

20. Employ the Facebook call-to-action buttons to link to your sign-up page

21. Invest in Twitter lead-gen cards to drive sign-ups

22. Use Facebook ads to target specific interest audiences (while excluding existing database members)

23. Create a Facebook Group recap newsletter to promote email and FB Groups

Utilize Your Blog Content

24. Shoot a video highlighting your newsletter and post to your blog and social media

25. Write a post about your new newsletter (including a quick link to sign up!)

26. Leverage sign-up links within posts

27. Attach an opt-in to all content downloads

28. Announce exclusive, must-have content only available to subscribers

Email is your blog’s best friend.

Just remember as you start growing your list to choose quality over quantity. Engagement is what drives results with email. Subscribers that aren’t opening your messages aren’t just hurting your feelings, they may actually start hurting your deliverability and reputation.

Get your copy of the 359 Ideas to Engage Your Audience Playbook.