Mathnasium Quiz Bundle – KPWJ-FM
*2017 Second Street Award – Best Quiz Winner
A local math tutoring business was looking at a way to identify new potential clients – specifically parents of students who may be interested in tutoring. Trying to remind their listeners about how difficult grade school math tests can be, the team created a bundle of math tests based on real questions for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. The bundle added 120 new emails to the tutor’s database, identified 25 parents who asked to be contacted about the tutor’s services, and drove $3,000 in revenue for the station.
Are You a Utahn? – Deseret News
This fun quiz posed a bunch of state trivia to see how much readers knew about their home state. Sponsored by a local mall, this quiz brought the advertiser more than 170 opt-ins and drove over 8,000 pageviews for the paper.
Getting to Know Fletch & Jai in the Morning – WVVR-FM
To kick off a new morning show on their station, the team at WVVR created this trivia quiz about their hosts. Asking questions about things like their favorite drinks and go-to karaoke songs, the hosts talked about the answers on-air. They found this to be a big success to drive engagement for the new morning show.
Which FOX59 Morning Personality are You? – WXIN-TV
Looking for a creative way to make a personal connection with their audience, WXIN created this personality quiz about their morning show personalities. Hosted on the top of the morning show’s website, this popular quiz has been taken over 4,000 times.
The 60s Quiz – Daytona Beach News-Journal
The Daytona Beach News-Journal was running a print special section about the 1960s. To enhance the digital aspect of this campaign, they created The 60s Quiz – all about trivia of the decade. The campaign and quiz was sponsored by a local hospital and drove in $10,000 for the paper.
What 4th of July Food are You? – H-L Media
H-L Media had seen a lot of success from running the turnkey Which Thanksgiving Food are You? quiz in November. Wanting to capitalize on this success – and save themselves a ton of time – the paper customized the same turnkey quiz for Fourth of the July. This new quiz resulted in a 35% increase in participation over their Thanksgiving one.
What Fright Village Fright are You? – WHAM-TV
A local Halloween attraction – Fright Village – reached out to WHAM-TV looking for a way to show off their many themed haunted houses and drive attendance for their seasonal business. The station created a custom personality quiz pairing users with a character from the attraction. The advertiser got a 73% opt-in rate and targeted survey questions gave them great info for future marketing campaigns. Plus, WHAM-TV got $2,000 in revenue.
Smiley Morning Show Zerorez Carpet Cleaning Party – WZPL-FM
The team at WZPL was looking for a unique idea for their advertiser – a local carpet cleaning company. While this personality quiz played on the popularity of their morning show hosts, the outcome page included an opt-in for the sponsor’s services. With 242 opt-ins for the sponsor, the advertiser said this was the most successful campaign they’d ever done.
Music Trivia Quiz Bundle – WSOC-FM
For radio, quizzes about popular artists on their station can be a hit with your target audience. WSOC was able to sell their quiz bundle for $15,000 – $5,000 per quiz. Not only did they collect opt-ins for the sponsor, but by incorporating survey questions, they also gathered information on consumer music purchase preferences.
Quizzes are one of the most versatile tools you have in your promotions toolkit. Make sure you’re ready to take advantage of all these great opportunities.