Follow #secondstreetsummit on Twitter.
During the event, we’ll be live tweeting all the action of the Summit. With quotes and inspiration from our speakers; links to case studies, playbooks, and worksheets; and tons of tips and best practices, this hashtag will provide you will lots of useful information. You can even tweet us your questions (and your selfies!), and we’ll respond right away.
Read the Second Street Lab.
Each day, our Second Street reporters will be publishing wrap-ups of all the sessions. That way, you won’t miss out on the key takeaways, and will be able to find all of our important links and downloadable content in one place.
Look for Your Summer Recap Webinar Invite.
We learn so much at the Summit, that we can’t wait to share it with you again. In the following weeks, we’ll be hosting a webinar to recap all of our favorite best practices, inspiration, and case studies from the Summit, so be sure to invite your whole team to join you.
Download the Summit Report.
After the Summit ends, we’ll create a report of all the highlights from the two days. Complete with quotes, tips, and links, make sure you download the Summit Report and share it with your whole team. Download the 2015 Summit Report to see what everyone learned last year.