Execute the perfect promotion that drives revenue and results for you and your advertiser by identifying the right promotion to achieve your goals, building the perfect package, and following-up with your advertiser!
Why Promotions?
Advertisers are investing more into promotions and marketing than they are in local advertising. They have discovered that they need measurable results for their advertising spend, and as Borrell Associates 2023 have found, and have learned that local promotions and marketing will do just that.
in 2023, according to Borrell Associates 2023, small businesses are projected to spend the same or more on advertising, so this leaves a huge opportunity for you to generate revenue while driving results for those businesses.
Also, younger businesses that have popped up in the last few years, and they have less marketing expertise. They are novices, and they need YOU to show them which promotions will drive success for them.
Picking the Right Promotion for Your Advertiser’s Goals
Picking the perfect promotion for your advertiser can be overwhelming. There are so many typed of promotions to choose from – how do you pick the best one? You’ll want to focus on your advertiser’s specific goals, and this will narrow down which promotion type will work best for them! To determine what your advertiser’s goals are, be sure to ask:
- What are the advertiser’s specific goals for this campaign?
- How will they measure success?
And also be ready to discuss options when the advertiser wants to do something that will not achieve their goals.
Goal: Leads
You need to pick a promotion that:
- Reaches their target audience
- Has a low barrier to entry
- Allows for the highest possible entries while qualifying entrants
The best promotions that will help achieve this goal are:
- National Sweepstakes
- Custom Sweepstakes
Goal: Database Growth
You need to pick a promotion that:
- Appeal to the audience(s) they want to build
- Captivate that audience
- Offer enough value for the user to want to opt-in
The best promotions that will help achieve this goal are:
- Sweepstakes
- Quizzes
- Ballots
- Brackets
Goal: Education
You need to pick a promotion that:
- Informs your target audience
- Creates an opportunity to learn in a fun and engaging way
The best promotions that will help achieve this goal are:
- Quizzes
Goal: Community Involvement
You need to pick a promotion that:
- Creates an experience filled with interactions, entertainment
- Capture your audiences’ thoughts, feelings, and opinions
The best promotions that will help achieve this goal are:
- Photo Contests
- Photo Galleries
- Brackets
- Ballots
- Polls
Goal: Capturing Social Audience
You need to pick a promotion that:
- Is sharable
- Drives participation (is FUN!)
- Offers an experience
The best promotions that will help achieve this goal are:
- Sweepstakes
- Photo/Video Contests
- Brackets
- Ballots
- Quizzes
Goal: Gathering First Party Data
You need to pick a promotion that:
- Gathers First Party Data
- Offers value to the audience
The best promotions that will help achieve this goal are:
- ALL promotions!
How To Sell Promotions
Know the Value Proposition
When selling promotions, the first thing you’ll want to focus on is the value proposition. What is the advertiser going to gain from paying you to run this promotion for them?
- Measurable results for their investment
- Incredible reach from your company
- Valuable data gathered on the registration form
- Opt-ins for their advertiser database
- Hot leads for their business
The Promotion
Don’t forget to sell ad space within and around the promotion! Provide options to include your advertiser within the promotion header image as well as right rail ads.
The Registration Page
Make sure you are providing your advertiser with all that the registration page can offer. Include demographic information collection, an opt-in specifically for the advertiser (do not pre-check !), lead-gen questions, and use the hot leads functionality so your advertiser can receive their leads right away!
Create A Package
Make sure you are selling an integrated media package, not just the stand alone promotion. Build a comprehensive, bundled package that includes:
- Core media
- Digital
- Social
Overall, make sure you are communicating the value of partnering with you, along with the investment. If you aren’t sure of where to start when building your sales packages, don’t worry! We have sales one-sheets specific to your industry that you can use and tailor to your needs.
- Sales One-Sheets for Magazines
- Sales One-Sheets For Newspapers
- Sales One-Sheets For Radio
- Sales One-Sheets For TV
Measuring Success
Don’t just follow-up with your advertiser – follow ALONG! Use Hot Leads to automatically send leads to your advertisers, and your advertiser can adjust the frequency of the lead notifications.
You can also send your advertisers the Sharable Dashboard for their promotion. The sharable dashboard will allow you to provide the advertiser with a snapshot of the current state of the promotion, including stats like entry count, people count, demographics, opt-ins, and answers to lead-gen questions.
And when you do check back in with your advertiser when the promotion has concluded, remember to ask for results that you can’t track in the dashboard:
- How many leads converted to customers?
- What was the revenue from those customers?
- How many tickets did you sell from leads?
- Did your social followers increase?
Check out the slides!
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Julie Foley Second Street
Julie is the Senior Customer Success Manager at Second Street and a former client in local media. Her best advice for driving the most success with your revenue and audience engagement strategy is to include promotions in every business initiative.
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